Monday, September 5, 2011


1 lb. plain flour                                                      1 tsp. salt
1/2 oz. yeast                                                         1 tsp. caster sugar
1/2 pint warm milk                                                1 1/2 oz. margarine
1 egg                                                                        glaze: little beaten egg
Sift flour and salt together into bowl and put to warm.
Cream yeast and sugar together liquid.
Melt fat and add the milk, pour on top beaten egg and then stir into creamed yeast.
Pour into warned flour and mix to a soft smooth dough.
Beat well with the hand.
Cover with clean cloth and put in a warm place for about an hour until dough has doubled in size.
Knead gently on floured board, form into plaited twists or rolls.
Put or greased baking tray and set aside in warm place for 15 minutes.
Brush over with beaten egg sprinkle with poppy seeds, if using.
Bake in a moderate oven (425 deg.F. for 20 minutes.

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